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JISO Iluminación standardises its product information in ETIM and is Bronze member of DIALUX

JISO Iluminación continúa mejorando, ofreciendo nuevos servicios que facilitan el trabajo de sus clientes. Este mes de marzo ha pasado a ser miembro Bronce de DIALux y ha terminado el proceso de clasificación ETIM de sus productos.

Since March 1st, JISO has been a Bronze member of DIALux, one of the most powerful lighting design software in the world. JISO thus facilitates the work of lighting designers, interior designers, architects and engineers by being able to use the IES/LDT files of its luminaires in the lighting studies carried out within this software free of charge. Europe and Asia (excluding China) will be able to use JISO luminaires with this powerful lighting calculation tool completely free of charge.

JISO Iluminación miembro Bronze de DIALux

With the ETIMisation of its luminaires, JISO has adapted its product catalogue to the ETIM coding under the European standard model of data digitalisation. After several months of work, all JISO Iluminación products have been classified and coded according to ETIM standards.

ETIM de JISO Iluminación

For the Valencian lighting company it is a priority to provide its customers with as much information as possible about its luminaires and the ETIM classification of its catalogue is a further step in its growth strategy. According to JISO’s management, this project is a further step in our adaptation as a company in the transformation of the lighting industry.

ETIM is an international standard that defines a way to classify and describe products in a logical and technical way, using a common language for all market participants. It aims to facilitate communication and trade between manufacturers, distributors and customers in different countries and languages.

This standard provides a set of relevant technical attributes for each product and allows the assignment of equivalent terms to improve the accuracy of searches. It can be applied to a variety of solutions and platforms. It is not dependent on any service provider and is based on a standardised data structure that simplifies the error-free exchange of information.